Warning: For Dental Practice Owners

Acquire an effective system that gets you a predictable and consistent amount of new dental patients online

We build you a full digital marketing strategy that starts with ads that find interested prospects online and drives them through a system designed to get you patients in your chair

Looking To Find Patients Online?

Are you a dental practice owner who's frustrated with not getting enough new patients each month to grow?

Are you concerned about spending most of your time stressed out about how to get more patients through the door?

I mean, dealing with patients and rapidly performing complex procedures with an upside down mirror is hard enough...

Especially when trying to adjust to their every need and making sure they don't aspirate all over the place...

Last thing you want to be dealing with is how to do all this digital marketing stuff to find new patients online and get them through your door.

traditional website
getting more patients

Imagine having a steady stream of new patients eagerly booking appointments, allowing you to focus more on providing great care and less on worrying about your bottom line.

You might think you need to spend even more money running ads to a website, but that's not where the root of your problem lies.

The real issue is you're not using a comprehensive marketing strategy that guides potential patients from the ad right into your chair.

That's why our Patient Acquisition System blows the old method out of the water.

A System Designed To Get More Patients

Instead of just casting a wide net, it uses highly targeted ads to drive prospects to a specific page designed to either collect their contact information or get them to book an appointment immediately.

It's like having a GPS that takes your patients straight to your practice without any detours.

If you're a dental practice owner who is currently not taking advantage of lead generation offers or special limited-time promotional offers...

And are looking to leverage advertising because you genuinely want to grow your practice - then we can help you turn things around swiftly.

lead generation system
prospects booking appointments

We provide strategy blueprints to get new patients interested in cosmetic, restorative and orthodontic dental services...

We offer strategies to attract patients who have crippling anxiety around visiting the dentist...

And we help give you a step-by-step plan of action to rack up more glowing Google reviews for your practice.

If you're ready to chat and want to see real growth in your patient numbers, book a free 30-minute strategy session today!

Just click below and let's get you more patients, more often.

How Exactly Does The Whole Process Work?

Step 1

Fill out the application for a 30-minute strategy session.

Step 2

Marketing plan will be created during your strategy session.

Step 3

Then either implement the plan yourself or have us do it for you.

Step 4

If we do it, then we implement a full patient acquisition system for your practice.

We have 4 simple steps in our process as you see above.

The first step is clicking the big orange button (scroll down) which will take you through the application for the 30-minute strategy session.

The second step is attending the strategy session itself, where we'll map out an online marketing plan to get you more patients. Then you can either take this marketing plan with you and implement it yourself, or have us implement it for you.

The third step is having us implement the online marketing plan for you if that is what you decide to do. This would involve us doing everything from setting up the ads to setting up the conversion system that prospects will be getting sent to from the ads.

client process
marketing strategy

Note that there is no setup fee attached to setting up this full patient acquisition system for your practice.

The fourth step is simply having us run and optimize your ad performance each month. There will be a monthly retainer that applies once per month for the management of the ad performance (plus what you'll be spending on the ads themselves).

There will be no fee during the first month of running the ad campaign. The monthly retainer will instead start on the second month from the day the ad campaign was launched. From there, we'd simply manage and optimize the performance of the ads to ensure they are working to bring you quality patients through the door.

effective campaign guarantee

Our goal each month is to get you patients worth at least 2x what you're spending on the ads and the monthly retainer.

Our "Effective Campaign Guarantee" is there to ensure that if for whatever reason, the results don't get you patients worth at least 2x what you're spending on the ads + the monthly retainer during any of the monthly periods (very unlikely), then you will not pay the monthly retainer for that month.

This way you either get results through our advertising or you don't pay. And if the results do get you patients worth at least 2x what you invested on the ads + the monthly retainer (very likely), then that will more than pay for your advertising investment.

Bottom line is: If we don't get you the results we set out to achieve for you, then we don't want your money.

What To Do Next

Now, there is no pressure to take on our offer and get this implemented for your practice.

We get that this is a big commitment.

However, our mission is to give dental practice owners the competitive edge they need in their area through a patient acquisition system

That is why we're offering for a limited time, a FREE 30-minute strategy session

With this we can see where you have potential opportunities to market your services online

marketing roadmap
patient acquisition process

To be clear, this is not something we're simply calling a “strategy session” only for you to end up on the phone with some annoying pushy salesman making you feel uncomfortable and pressuring you to buy something...


This is a legitimate 30-minute strategy session designed to help you figure out where you can gain leverage with effective digital marketing strategies

This strategy session is free for the time being, but we don't intend for that to be the case much longer

This is a strategy session worth at least $500, but we're giving it away for free right now to help other dental practice owners get more patients online

Remember, there's no cost or obligation to move forward with our service afterwards if you feel like it's not for you

But a word of warning...

This is only for legitimate people who are looking to leverage digital marketing in their dental practice to the fullest and are willing to do the minimal work needed to make that happen

You must be willing to follow instruction and not be difficult to work with

We have a strict no dickhead policy


The last thing we want to do is invest all of our time, energy, and expertise into somebody who's lazy, annoying, and/or unwilling to follow instructions and take action

If you can agree to that and this sounds like the opportunity of a lifetime which you won't find anywhere else (it is)

All you need to do is click the big orange button and book in your strategy session

Now again, this call will not be a sales call

It's simply a free strategy session designed to provide value to you in advance

investing time and energy
application process

And we'll find out if you're a fit for this or not

If you are, we'll give you all the details

Including the investment required to get started

If not, we'll politely and respectfully let you know it's not a fit

So in short, what I'm offering you here is the chance of a lifetime

A way for you to finally have an online system that gives you a predictable and consistent flow of patients

But please note: this message will be seen by hundreds of people

So way more people will apply for this opportunity than we have slots available in our calendar

And we can only handle working with 1 client per month at the moment...

I'll be awarding positions to people who qualify on a first-come, first-served basis

So don't waste any time and click the button below now and fill in your details to secure the next available sessions

booking strategy session

I Must Caution You

You might still be unsure of whether you want to book in a call...

Just know that not doing so could be disastrous

It could prevent you from getting the information you need to be the most competitive in your area

Which means that the competition out there that has better systems in place will be:

  • Taking away your potential prospects
  • Keeping you worried about your bottom line
  • Giving you more stress
  • Taking more time away from your friends and family
  • Making you frustrated that patients are choosing other dentists over you

And it will continue to take everything away from you until you steal our systems and strategies that will put you ahead of the competition


The Path Forward

Now what you have in front of you is the key that will unlock a predictable and consistent flow of new patients

This is a full fledged system that will give you:

  • A way to find interested prospects in your local area
  • Pull them into a magnetic conversion system that gets them to book an appointment
  • Have an automated way to nurture them to get them to know you, trust you and keep coming back to you

Everything can change when you have a selling system deployed into your market that works non-stop to get you new patients so that you don't have to...

All you need to do is simply click the button below, book your FREE 30-minute strategy session and you'll be one step closer to having the clarity you need to leverage digital marketing for your dental practice

path forward

P.S. When you book your 30-minute strategy session, you will also receive...

5 foolproof steps that you must take to explode your Google reviews!

You surely know just how important getting Google reviews are for your practice, and with the 5 steps covered in this quick guide, you will quickly see your reviews skyrocket.

If you have ever thought to yourself: "How on Earth are other dental practices around me gathering so many Google reviews?"...

Then this guide will reveal everything you need to know, simply schedule a 30-minute strategy session and you'll get your hands on this killer guide!

5 steps to explode your google reviews

Frequently asked questions